To be able to transact with CIPC, customers need to register as a customer. When registered, a virtual account is automatically created in the name of the customer.

Account Type: Transmission Account
Account Name: CIPC
Account Number: 4055 68 1017
Branch Name: Van der Walt Street
Payment Reference: Your six-character customer code
  • IMPORTANT: Please ensure that the correct customer code is used as a reference when depositing money.
  • Please note:  Cheques as payment method has been discontinued.
Payment Options
The following payment options exist: 


Real-time transfer (only for annual returns and authorised share changes)

  • Customers can use debit and/or credit card for payment of annual returns  and authorised share changes transactions ONLY
  • Only 3D secure enabled cards will be accepted.
  • Only Visa  and  Master cards are accepted

Direct or electronic deposit (EFT)

  •  ABSA bank
    • You need to quote your customer code
    • The deposited amount will be reflected within one hour of being deposited
  • Any other bank
    • Allow 2-3 working days for funds to be allocated. Customers are strongly advised to deposit money at  ABSA,  as such ensures that the deposited money is reflected in the customer’s account within an hour.
    • Customers need to inquire from their financial Institutions on special clearance fee to enable the deposits to reflect within an hour upon deposit.
View statement

How to view account statements online

Follow these steps to view your account statement online:

  • Visit
  • Log in using your customer code and password
  • Click on “Transact” in the main menu
  • Then click on “Customers Transactions”
If a customer paid money into the CIPC account, and later, a refund is requested, the following is required:

  • Submit your request, together with the following by logging a ticket on QRS
  • Certified ID document of the owner of the customer code
  • Proof of payment
  • Bank details on bank letterhead or bank stamp
  • Letter signed by account holder indicating the reason for the refund, the amount and customer code

Refunds will be processed within 30 working days upon receipt of a request for refund, provided all the required documentation is submitted.