A copyright is an exclusive right granted by law for a limited period to an author, designer, etc. for his/her original work.

Only cinematographic films can be registered with CIPC for copyright purposes. Other materials are copyright-protected automatically upon creation.

Copyright is created by putting the words “copyright” or “copyright reserved” or “copyright Smith 2011” (i.e. copyright, followed by name and the year), or the copyright symbol, name and year e.g. © Meati 2011.

The following works are eligible for copyright protection under Copyright Act:

  • Literary works e.g. books and written composition novels;
  • Musical works e.g. songs;
  • Artistic works e.g. paintings and drawings;
  • Cinematograph films e.g. programme-carrying signal that has been transmitted by satellite;
  • Sound recordings;
  • Broadcasts e.g. broadcasting of films or music;
  • Programme-carrying signals e.g. signals embodying a programme;
  • Published editions e.g. first print by whatever process; and
  • Computer programs.

For a work to be eligible for copyright protection, it must be original and be reduced to material form.

You can obtain copyright protection if you are a citizen of South Africa or if your work was produced in South Africa. For non-citizens, you can obtain copyright protection in South Africa only if the country for which you are a citizen is part of the Berne Convention. The Berne Convention is an international agreement on copyright by which member countries grant each other copyright protection.