CIPC will only re-instate a company or close corporation if:

The company or close corporation was in business at the time of deregistration (Sufficient documentary evidence in the form of bank statements for a period of six months before and six months after deregistration are required).
Immovable property is registered in the name of the deregistered business; or
The court issued an order re-instating the company or close corporation.
If none of the above can be proven by the documentary evidence, the CIPC will not re-instate the company or close corporation and it is advised that a new company be registered at a cost of R125.00 without a name and R50 for each name reservation application (provided that the standard default option is selected).

The benefits of registering a new company are:

Cost-benefit, since reinstatement requires the payment for the filing of the reinstatement application (R200.00) and filing of all overdue annual returns (based on entity category and payment scale) while a new company registration requires only payment of R175.00;

After the filing of the overdue annual returns, the records of the entity must be updated by the filing of the required statutory amendment forms (e.g. CoR39, CoR 21.1, CK2) and even possible amendments to a company’s MOI;

Quicker since not necessary to obtain the necessary supporting documents to the reinstatement application, namely multiple deed search, affidavits, newspaper advertisement, and possibly a letter from the Department of Public Works.

Who may apply for reinstatement:

In terms of section 82(4) of the Companies Act, any interested person may apply to re-instate a company or close corporation. Therefore, for example, the company or close corporation itself may apply for reinstatement or any of its creditors or any other person that needs to have the company or close corporation re-instated in order to take further legal action against the company or close corporation.

If the reinstatement application is brought by any person, other than the company or close corporation or its duly appointed representative, then it is advisable to approach a court for an order of reinstatement. In terms of Companies Regulation 40(6) the company or close corporation is only fully re-instated (or its legal personality restored), once all outstanding annual returns are filed. It is only the company or close corporation or its duly appointed representative that can file the annual returns.


Determine whether the company or close corporation was active at the time of deregistration or immovable property is registered in the name of the company or close corporation.

If no immovable property registered in the name of the entity or the entity has not been active, please do not proceed with a reinstatement application.

If a creditor, please do not proceed with a reinstatement application. Approach a court for an order re-instating the company or close corporation.

Deposit funds
Deposit R200 into the CIPC bank account. For the bank account details, click here.

A court order reinstating an entity is free of charge.

Re-instating a close corporation by court order
Court order reinstating a company or close corporation must be e-mailed to whereafter it will be referred to the relevant processing unit for implementation. For more detail on how to submit a court document or court order to CIPC, refer to Practice Notes 4 and 5 of 2016.

For purposes of a reinstatement court order, the court order itself and all other supporting documents as stated in Practice Notes 4 and 5 of 2016, MUST be in PDF or TIFF and application submitted as a single e-mail.

 Company Files Outstanding Annual Returns

Once the CoR40.5 is processed all outstanding annual returns must be filed by the company or close corporation to complete the reinstatement process.  If annual returns are not filed, the entity cannot re-instated (or its legal personality restored) unless a court order for re-instated was submitted.

The following supporting documents must be included in your e-mail:

Submit form  CoR40.5

  • Certified ID copy of the applicant (director/member);
  • Certified ID copy of the customer filing the application;
  • Multiple Deed search (reflecting ownership of immovable property or not) (as from 1 January 2022 no longer required);
  • Letter from the Department of Public Works, indicating that such department has no objection to the reinstatement, if it has immovable property (as from 1 January 2022 no longer required);
  •  Mandate from the applicant on whose behalf the application is being submitted; and
  • Sufficient documentary proof indicating that the company or close corporation was in business  (Provide evidence that the company was conducting business-related activities at the time of deregistration, namely bank statements for a 12 months period that runs over the date of deregistration) or that it had any outstanding assets or liabilities (e.g. property, intellectual property rights) at the time of deregistration.

E-mail to: 

NB: All attachments must be in PDF or TIFF and application submitted as a single e-mail.