
The e-learning platform is aimed at allowing SMME directors and entrepreneurs to build their capacity in running successful businesses while ensuring compliance to statutory requirements. As a regulator of companies and Intellectual Property, the CIPC remain committed to working with its customers, partners and other stakeholder to ensure compliance, through providing access to information. The CIPC as the regulatory authority of companies and company registrations, has the responsibility to educate and create awareness on the legislative areas of its administration, to ensure compliance and adherence. The programme is developed to address this need and to help SMME directors better understand their statutory duties and ensure compliance to governance requirements.

The CIPC launched a virtual learning platform to create an enabling environment and develop skills needed to run businesses successfully; and scale up successes in entrepreneurship. The Learn-i-Biz creates a learning environment that strengthens skills needed to successfully run a company and have greater economic outcomes for the country.

Benefits of the programme

The training platform which is virtual, is provided at no cost. It offers a convenient way for busy directors and entrepreneurs to gain knowledge on company matters, in their own time, at their own pace and in the comfort of their home or office. Users can easily set up their profiles and have a customised dashboard to track of their training profiles, complete their training and access results of all the modules completed.

In addition to the above, it contributes to the ease of managing a registered company; provides statutory information packaged in an easy to follow and understandable format, through a user-friendly channel.

Enrollment and certification

Users can set up their profiles and have a customised dashboard to track their training progress, complete their training and access results of all the modules completed.

The platform currently hosts seven modules on issues related to statutory requirements in running a company. Each module includes a series of short videos, quizzes, a digital study guide and a self-examination. At the end of each module, participants receive a certificate of completion.


Programme content

  • Module 1: What is a company?
  • Module 2: What is a director?
  • Module 3: Key persons in a company
  • Module 4: Responsibilities of a director
  • Module 5: Personal financial interests and conflict of interests
  • Module 6: Remuneration of directors
  • Module 7: Distributions and the board of directors

Contact details

email address: elearning@cipc.co.za