• A company may only change its financial year-end once during a particular financial year.
  •  A company may not choose a financial year end that will result in the total financial year being more than 15 months.
  • A company may choose to shorten its financial year in which instance there is no minimum applicable.
  • The new year end must be later than the date on which the notice is filed.
  • The current financial year end must not have been ended.

Apply for Financial Year End Change electronically:

  • Deposit R100 into the CIPC bank account 
  • To apply for a change to the financial year end of the company click here
  • Click on On-line Transacting and then on Company and Close Corporation Financial Year End Changes
  • Login using your Customer Code and Password and follow the prompts
  • Go to Co & CC Financial Year End Change
  • Type in the registration number (year/sequence/type) at the Enterprise Number field and click Validate.  Confirm whether the provided registration number corresponds with the enterprise detail being displayed.  If not, reconfirm registration number by typing it in at the Enterprise Number field and click Validate.  If correct, click Continue
  • Confirm that the detail of the correct entity is displaying and click on Continue.
  • The current financial year end will be displayed.  Propose a new month and year for the financial year end and click on Continue.
  • The next screen will confirm that the financial year end change has been lodged.
  • You can generate a new disclosure certificate by clicking on Home and then on Disclosures.

Click here to lodge an enquiry.