- Guidelines with Regard to the Lodging of Non-Traditional Trade Marks (1 January 2009)
- Notice on Electronic Lodgement of Priority Documents (28 August 2013)
- Notice on Operational E-Filing for Trade Marks: New Applications (28 August 2013)
- Notice on Electronic Lodgement of Opposition Documents (2 September 2013)
- Notice on Naming Conventions Applicable to Electronic Lodgement of New Trade Mark Applications (1 November 2013)
- Notice on Numbering of Trade Mark Applications (11 March 2015)
- Notice on Size Restrictions Applicable to Images Accompanying New Figurative Trade Marks Lodged Electronically (11 November 2015)
- Notice on Obtaining Copies of Trade Mark Related Documents Electronically (21 March 2016)
- Notice on Issuing of Renewal Reminder Notices (27 July 2016)
- Notice on Issuing of Official Actions (30 August 2016)
- Notice on 11th Edition of NICE Classification (24 November 2016)
- Notice on Issuing of Notices of Acceptance (5 June 2017)
- Notice on the Examination Guidelines on Trade Mark Applications (28 February 2017)
- Notice on the Examination Guidelines on Trade Mark Applications – Version 2 (30 October 2017)
- Notice on 11th Edition (Version 2018) of NICE Classification (12 December 2017)
- Notice on CIPC IP Online Enhancements (21 December 2017)
- Notice on Operational E-Filing for Trade Marks: Renewals and Restorations (31 January 2018)
- Notice on 11th Edition (Version 2019) of NICE Classification (25 February 2019)
- Notice on the Examination Guidelines on Trade Mark Applications – Version 3 (20 March 2019)
- Notice on the Examination Guidelines on Trade Mark Applications – Version 3A (6 August 2019)
- Notice on the Operational Requirements in respect of Electronic Lodgement of Caveats (28 November 2019)
- Notice on 11th Edition (Version 2020) of NICE Classification (13 December 2019)
- Notice on the Operational Requirements for the Electronic Lodgement of Lodging of Trade Mark Priority (Convention) Documents, either with or without Power/s of Attorney (9 March 2021)
- Notice on the Operational Requirements for the Electronic Lodgement of Trade Mark Requests for Allocation of General Powers of Attorney (GPA) Numbers (24 February 2021)
- Notice on the Operational Requirements for the Electronic Lodgement of Trade Mark Requests for 1st Extensions of Time to Oppose Trade Marks Applications (9 March 2021)
- Notice on the Operational Requirements in respect of the Electronic Lodgement of Requests for Extensions of Time to Prosecute Trade Mark Applications (24 February 2021)
- Notice on Issuing of Trade Mark Notifications of Alterations (Amendments) (24 February 2021)
- Notice on the 11th Edition (Version 2021) of the NICE Classification (24 February 2021)
- Notice on the 11th Edition (Version 2022) of the NICE Classification (20 January 2022)
- Notice on issuing of Trade Mark Certificates (12 April 2022)
- Notice on the 12th Edition (Version 2023) of the NICE Classification (31 January 2023)
- Notice on Trade Mark Requests for Certified Extracts (31 July 2023)
- Notice on the 12th Edition (Version 2024) of the NICE Classification (6 December 2023)
- Notice on the 12th Edition (Version 2025) of the NICE Classification (20 January 2025)